How we design a chatbot to automate accounting process


3 mins read

A story of how Ledgerowl came up with a chatbot tool designed to streamline and automate various tasks for finance professional.

Outcome Summary

A chatbot to help accounting process.

The PEVITA Chatbot is a tool designed to streamline and automate various tasks for finance professional. User could see your financial details of your business such as bank balance, revenue, & profit at the given month. We also provide a summary insight written by our professional expert.

Ledgerowl is a B2B financial technology startup focusing on bookkeeping & tax. At 2021, I joined as the 2nd designer to help them design the initial MVP of the product.


Research, Design, Writing


3 months (Q3 2022)


1 Designer, 1 PM, 3 Engineer


Process time faster by 5X


A tool designed to streamline and automate various tasks for business owner and finance professional.


Chatbot Process

Business Problem

We want to scale our company operation using technology

Before launching this chatbot, our company is similar to a typical CPA or accounting firm where we provide a bookkeeping and tax service to businesses at Indonesia. The ratio of the EPD team (engineering, product, & design) and operation team was 1:4.

Main Objective

Research, strategize and design a product to help Indonesian’s SMEs handle their bookkeeping with a focus on increasing efficiency by 80%.

Problem Validation

Qualitative research for a month to understand & laying out the foundation of the product.

To better understand the accounting process & how the accountant work, we went into deep research for a month. We use several qualitative research method to capture all the insight we could gather. Start by discovering and understanding the current situation by doing:

Research Takeaway

The most time consuming part is the data collection & data entry phase.

The work of accountant can be classified into 4 big chunks. We found that the most time consuming part is the first 2 phase: data collection & data entry. Why?

  • Data Collection = The document scattered through different channel and accountant have to sort & check each docs

  • Data Entry: That is because the accountant should manually input every transaction data to the accounting software, could be hundreds if not thousands everyday.

Solution Ideation

Design 10+ solution to help business owner upload their document at the right place at the right time.

When we were first presented with this problem, we brainstormed a dozens possibleanswer to tackle this problem but we agree the chatbot should help user upload thenecessary document for accounting process.

Because each month the accountant follow same checklist, we believe 80% of the process could be faster if the user upload the right document on the right place.

Final Design

PEVITA Chatbot, released march 2023

The theme of this project was to find a beautiful expression of accounting. This was quite challenging because accounting, & finance in general, famously known as dull, boring, and formal. Therefore we wanna try to find an elegant way to design this chatbot:

We finally release our chatbot in March 2023 where coincidentally it's the tax season in Indonesia. The rollout was quite successful with over 50% adoption in first roll out.

Final Design Gallery

Lesson Learn

Designing a B2B product is different due to

At first, I struggle a lot with this project because it is not a typical

This is my first big project in product design. While I'm quite happy with the output & outcome, I also learn several painful

User Testimonial

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